University of Valencia logo Logo Master's Degree in Language and Literature Research Logo del portal


Academic specialty

Students will be provided with advanced training oriented to research in the field of Classical and Modern languages and their literatures.


Cross-disciplinary perspective

It offers the possibility of completing the studies in fields of knowledge such as History of Language, Literary Theory or Linguistics.


Academic opportunities

Linked to the Doctoral Programme in Languages and Literatures.



  • Feminist logotype

    “Quaderns Feministes” of the Universitat de València

    29 september 2016

    Through the University Institute of Women’s Studies (IUED), which gathers professors, researches and students of Postgraduate Studies;  the UV carries out an important labour at the field of interdisciplinary research, aiming at a scientific update, a reviewing of the teaching materials that are currently used and promoting the creation and use of non-sexist materials.

  • El MOOC, una nueva forma de estudio

    1 february 2016

    Basta con una conexión a Internet y ganas de aprender para apuntarse a los cursos que están arrasando en la red. Son gratis, online y tienen el respaldo de algunas universidades más prestigiosas del mundo, como Stanford o Harvard. Son los llamados MOOCs.